SPIN OFF EXTRA: Vezetők testközelből 2025. Március 19. 17:30 - 20:30

Közlekedésépítési és Vízmérnöki Tanszék


Research and consultation activities of the Department of Transport Infrastructure and Water Resources Engineering at Széchenyi István University between 2015 and 2019

Road design and Traffic engineering

Road Safety Auditor training courses

RSA basic trainings (10+1 days) 4 times with 19-20 participants

RSA refreshing trainings (2+1 days) 3 times with 16-19 participants


Preparing road safety audits for local governments

Veszprém (1 complicated intersection),

Békéscsaba (2 contracts, 4 projects),

Zalaegerszeg (reorganizing a major street)

Nagycenk - Pereszteg (Cycle facilities)

Zirc (5 projects, including cycle path, bus stops, pedestrian crossings),

Győr (8 projects, including new and reconstructed streets, cycle facilities, a turbo roundabout, other intersections)

Mosonmagyaróvár (Cycle facilities, pedestrian crossings)

Öttevény (Cycle facilities)

Ács (Cycle facilities)

Győrújbarát(Cycle facilities)

Jánossomorja (Cycle facilities)

Tata (access to a new hypermarket)

Sopron (street reconstructions in the city center, Cycle facilities)


Preparing road safety impact assessments

Fertőd (a new road)

Szombathely – Kőszeg (a new bypass road in several versions)

Győr (a new bypass road in several versions)

Kecskemét (upgrading an existing road in several versions)


Urban networks, including cycle networks

Sopron (impacts of a new hypermarket),

Jánossomorja (cycle network),

Pér (cycle network),

Ács (cycle network),

Szeged (impacts of a new hypermarket),

Szombathely (opening a new bridge, reorganizing parts of the network)

Győr (parking studies),

Kisvárda (improving connections with neighboring villages),

Kőszeg (intermodal junction)


Vehicle automation and safe road infrastructure

The development of automated vehicles showed a rapid pace in the recent past, however less attention has been paid to the implications of vehicle automation on safe infrastructure design. This paper gives an introduction to a project addressing this gap. The project entitled "Physical and digital road infrastructure for Automated Vehicles" started recently and will last for five years (June 2019 – May 2024). Five initial workpackages have been formed. As a result of several brainstorming sessions these broad areas have been broken down into specific research tasks. A selection of the research proposals in this project are already in an initial phase or will be launched in the near future. Several MSc and PhD research topics were defined for present and future students.

1. Road design

1.1 Review of design parameters

1.2 Intersections

1.3 Cross section

1.4 Road section

1.5 Self-explaining roads

2. Detection, perception

2.1 Road work zones

2.2 Traffic calming devices

2.3 Road edges

2.4 Road markings

2.5 Traffic signs

3. Pavement design

3.1 Effect of 2D and 3D sensors

3.2 Effect of wheel spray depending on pavement type

3.3 Effect of lane keeping accuracy

3.4 Speed and headway advice depending on load frequency

3.5 Reflectivity of Lidars on different materials

4. Vulnerable road users

4.1 AV and pedestrian communication

4.2. AV and bicycle communication

4.3. Behavioral adaptation of pedestrians

5. Miscellaneous

5.1. Dynamic road data and RSUs

5.2. Traffic conflict analysis using AV data

5.3. Standardized road and traffic base map

5.4. Defining traffic situations to be investigated


Railway track related activities

Investigation of polymer-composite fishplates of glued-insulated rail joints in laboratory and in tracks considering dynamic effects
Tasks, performed:  Determination of applicability of special glass-fibre reinforced fishplates in glued-insulated rail joints using in CWR tracks based on laboratory and field tests
Partners: MÁV Inc., MÁV-THERMIT Ltd.

Multi-level shear box tests of granular layers reinforced by geogrids
Tasks, performed:  Execution of laboratory multi-level shear box tests with different types of geogrids and granular layers
Partners: Bonar B.V.

Multi-level shear box tests of granular layers reinforced by Enkagrid MAX 30 LA type geogrid
Tasks, performed:  Execution of laboratory multi-level shear box tests with different types of geogrids and granular layers
Partners: Bonar B.V., Low&Bonar Hungary Kft.

Measurement of capillary interruption change in a single type of soil material without geosynthetic as well with more different geosynthetics
Tasks, performed: Execution of laboratory tests with different types of geosynthetics – as well as without it – to be able to determine capillary interruption change in a single type of soil material
Partners: Low&Bonar B.V.


Water resources engineering

In the water resource program, we are focused on three major areas for research: (1) water management and surface water hydrology, (2) unsaturated flow modelling with applications in transportation, geotechnical and ecological areas, and (3) karst flow modelling.

1. In the water management and surface water hydrology area, we are modeling un-gaged watersheds in Western-Hungary. Our efforts are directed at:

  • Determining similarity parameters (hydrological, watershed, and meteorological) for measured watersheds, using the available database in western Hungary. Using yearly, monthly flows, and flow duration curves to determine index parameters.
  • Applying different geostatistical methods (kriging, and topkriging) to estimate yearly and monthly flow in western Hungary.
  • Modelling continuous rainfall-runoff processes by using daily measured data. Performing model selection, and sensitivity analyses with available software.
  • Evaluating models through error analysis methods. Searching for relationships between error analyses methods, meteorological, and watershed characteristic changes.
  • Using calibrated models to assess the impact of climate change in selected regions. Investigating the effect of climate change on the flow factor, minimum and maximum yields and annual distribution of water.
  • Developing a decision-support system for water management problems in western Hungary.

2. Applying measurement methods to develop soil water characteristic curves and evaluating measured data. Assessing the impact of unsaturated water movement on various structures in civil projects (railways, dams) and on the stability of natural loess bluffs.

3. Describing karst spring flow using statistical methods. Determining the impact of climate change on spring flow. Correlating cave dripping to meteorological factors.

PhD Dissertations

PhD dissertations defended since 2015:

Gabriella Kosztolányi-Iván: Recognition of road classes based on road layout as seen by drivers (2015)

Róbert Koch: Hydrological evaluation of karst springs (2016)

Dániel Miletics: Safety impacts of auxiliary lanes at junctions outside built-up areas (2016)

Zoltán Major: Analysis of embedded rail structures and the development of their complex design method (2016)

Mattias Juhász: Impact assessment and evaluation of urban transport infrastructure measures (2018)

Petra Szakonyi: Impact of European Union-funded developing environmentally friendly modes of transport on urban quality of life (2018)

Zsolt Bencze: Texture change of combed surface concrete road pavements during their lifetime (2018)


Current PhD students and their research topics (February 2020):

Csaba Ágh: Railway car dynamics in correlation with track geometry irregularities

Firas Alsilibe: Adaptation and impact assessment of climate change in Barada River Basin, Syria

Gergely Ámon: Hydrologic, and hydrodynamic analyses of small watersheds

Balázs Eller: Strengthening railway substructure using modern technologies

Pál Hegyi: Relations between road network topology and traffic safety in cities

Erika Juhász: Assessment of railway ballast particle degradation

Khalil Khaska: Road design parameters and autonomous vehicles

Ahmad Kizawi: Conflict analysis of vehicle pedestrian interactions using extreme value theory

Zsófia Magyari: Visibility studies at road intersections

Kevin Mátyás: Modelling the effects of climate change on water resources in western Hungary

Gergő Murinkó: Modelling the hydrology and slope stability of the bank of the Danube and the dewatering system efficiency

Richard Nagy: Analysis of the degradation process of railway tracks

Attila Németh: Analysis of the use of glued insulated rail joints with special plastic and steel fishplates in continuously welded tracks

Souvanthone Phetoudom: Pedestrian level of service in different countries

Samah Salman: Pedestrians and autonomous vehicles’ communication

Gergely Szücs: Autonomous vehicles in urban settings

Selected publications by members of the department from 2015

Crash modeling

Borsos, A.; Cafiso, S. D.; D'Agostino, C.; Miletics, D.: Comparison of Italian and Hungarian black spot ranking. Transportation Research Procedia 14 pp. 2148-2157. 10 p. (2016)

Borsos, A.; Ivan, NJ.; Orosz, G.: Development of Safety Performance Functions for Two-Lane Rural First-Class Main Roads in Hungary. In: Yannis G; Cohen S.: Traffic Safety. London, United Kingdom / England: Wiley, (2016) pp. 87-100.

Hegyi, P.; Koren, C.: Road Network Topology and Accidents in Hungarian Cities. In: Cokorilo, O: International Conference on Traffic and Transport Engineering, Beograd, Srbija: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, (2018) pp. 758-764. ISBN: 9788691615345

Hegyi, P.; Borsos, A.; Koren, C.: Searching possible accident black spot locations with accident analysis and GIS software based on GPS coordinates. Pollack Periodica: 12: 3 pp. 129-140. (2017)


Makó, E.; Miletics, D.; Hóz, E.: Road safety issues of EU funded bicycle network projects in Hungary. In: Proceedings of 7th Transport Research Arena Vienna (2018) pp. 1-6.

Makó, E.; Hóz, E.; Miletics, D.; Borsos, A.: Road Safety Audit experiences related to cycling infrastructure. In: Proceedings of 6th Annual International Cycling Safety Conference. Davis (CA), USA (2017) Paper: 60, 3 p.

Szakonyi, P.; Makó, E.: Impact of EU and Nationally Funded Bicycle Network Projects on the Quality of Life in Hungarian Cities. In: Proceedings of 6th Annual International Cycling Safety Conference. Davis (CA), USA (2017) Paper: 61, 3 p.

Al-Ammari, A; Borsos, A.: Safety analysis of bicycle crossings in roundabouts. In: 5th International Cycling Safety Conference (2016) pp. 1-13.


Ambros, J.; Novak, J.; Borsos, A.; Hoz, E.; Kiec, M.; Machcinik, S.; Ondrejka, R. Central European comparative study of traffic safety on roundabouts. Transportation Research Procedia 14 pp. 4200-4208. (2016)

Borsos, A; Farah, H.; Laureshyn, A: Comparison of two nearness-to-collision surrogate indicators at a signalized intersection in Minsk using Extreme Value Theory. In: 31st ICTCT Conference: On the track of future urban mobility: safety, human factors and technology. Porto, Portugal (2018)

Pal Meel I.; Vesper, A; Borsos, A.; Koren, C.: Evaluation of the effects of auxiliary lanes on road traffic safety at downstream of U-turns. Transportation Research Procedia 25C pp. 1936-1950. (2017)

Magyari, Z.; Koren, C.: Visibility studies at roundabouts entries. Pollack Periodica: 14: 3 pp. 63-74. (2019)

Magyari, Z.; Koren. C.: Impact of autonomous vehicles to visibility requirements in road junction design. In: Horváth, G.; Gaál, B.; Horváth, B. (eds.) Conference on Transport Sciences: Alternatív-Autonóm-Kooperatív-Komparatív Mobilitás. Győr, Hungary: Széchenyi István Egyetem, (2019) pp. 1-6.

Magyari, Z.; Koren, C.: Visibility indicators for intersection safety investigations. In: Cokorilo, O.: International Conference on Traffic and Transport Engineering. Beograd, Srbija: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, (2018) pp. 751-757. , 7 p. ISBN: 9788691615345

Makó, E.: Evaluation of Human Behaviour at Pedestrian Crossings. In: Baranyi, P.; Csapó, Á.; Sallai, Gy. (ed.) 6th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom). New York (NY), USA: IEEE, (2015) pp. 443-448.

Miletics, D ; Koren, C.: Safety impacts of auxiliary lanes at major/minor priority junctions outside built-up areas. In: Bernard, Jacob (ed.) Transport Research Arena 2014: TRA 2014: Innovate Mobility, Mobilise Innovation (2014) Paper: 18049. 10 p.

Miletics, D.: Traffic safety impacts of irregular overtaking in left-turn lanes at road intersections outside built-up areas. Pollack Periodica: 8: 1 pp. 41-51. (2013)

Miletics, D.: Human decisions at irregular overtakings. In: Baranyi, P.; Csapó, Á.; Sallai, G. (eds.) 2015 6th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom) New York, USA: IEEE, (2015) pp. 145-149. 5 p.

Szakonyi, P.; Makó, E.: Evaluation of Human Behaviour at Pedestrian Crossings. In: Rafalski, L et al (eds.) 6th Transport Research Arena (TRA 2016): Proceedings of a meeting held 18-21 April 2016, Warsaw, Poland. Elsevier, (2016) Paper: 878

Railway level crossings

Ambros J.; Perůtka J.; Mikšová D.; Borsos A.; Stefan C.; Stütz R.: Quantifying the impact of risk factors at railway level crossings using accident prediction mode ls: A cross-country study. In: Proceedings of 7th Transport Research Arena TRA (2018) pp. 1-8. 8 p.

Borsos, A.; Gábor, M.; Koren, C.; Miletics, D.: Safety analysis of at-grade railway crossings in Hungary. In: Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting (2017) Paper: 17-04285, 16 p.

Borsos, A.; Gábor, M.; Koren, C.: Safety Ranking of Railway Crossings in Hungary. Transportation Research Procedia 14 pp. 2111-2120. 10 p. (2016)

Magyari, Z.; Fischer, S.; Koren, C.: Visibility investigations at railway crossings. In: Fülöp, Attila; Iványi, Péter (eds.) Abstract book for the 14th Miklós Iványi International PhD & DLA Symposium: Architectural, Engineering and Information Sciences, Pécs, Pollack Press, (2018) pp. 107.

Railway tracks

Fischer, S.; Németh, A.; Harrach, D.; Juhász, E.: Specific Assessment Method of Railway Ballast Particle Degradation Based on Unique Laboratory Test. Nauka Ta Progres Transportu / Science and Transport Progress 75: 3 pp. 87-94. 8 p. (2018)

Fischer, S.; Németh, A.; Special Laboratory Testing Method for Evaluation Particle Breakage of Railway Ballast Material. Nauka Ta Progres Transportu / Science and Transport Progress 74: 2 pp. 87-102. 16 p. (2018)

Juhász, E.; Fischer, S.: Measurement of railway ballast particle crumbling with laboratory resources: The most modern tests of railway ballast crumbling. Innorail Magazin Special Issue: pp. 22-23. 2 p. (2019)

Juhász, E.; Fischer, S.: Investigation of railroad ballast particle breakage. Pollack Periodica: 14: 2 pp. 3-14. Paper: 2019.14.2.1, 12 p. (2019)

Juhász, E.; Fischer, S.: Specific Evaluation Methodology of Railway Ballast Particles' Degradation. Nauka Ta Progres Transportu / Science and Transport Progress 81: 3 pp. 96-109. Paper: 171778, 14 p. (2019)

Juhász, E.; Fischer, S.: Analysis of crushed ballast particles under laboratory measurement conditions. In: Nyiri, Szabolcs; Balázs, L. György - MAÚT25 International Scientific Symposium. Magyar Útügyi és Vasútügyi Társaság, (2019) pp. 1-12.

Major, Z.: A Method for the Numerical Modelling of Embedded Rails and Determining Parameters to be Optimized. Acta Technica Jaurinensis 9: 1 pp. 16-28. , 13 p. (2016)

Major, Z.: Theoretical Examination of the Longitudinal Behaviour of Embedded Rails. Slovak Journal of Civil Engineering 23: 3 pp. 16-20. (2015)

Major, Z.: Longitudinal Behaviour of Embedded Rails. Acta Technica Jaurinensis 8: 2 pp. 179-187. 9 p. (2015)

Nagy, R.: Analytical differences between seven prediction models and the description of the rail track deterioration process through these methods. Intersections 14: 1 pp. 14-32. 19 p. (2017)

Nagy, R.: Analytical differences between six prediction models and the description of the rail track deterioration process through these methods. In: Computional Civil Enginering (2017) pp. 31-50. 20 p.

Nagy, R.: Description of rail track geometry deterioration process in Hungarian rail lines No. 1 and No. 140. Pollack Periodica: 12: 3 pp. 141-156. 16 p. (2017)

Németh, A.; Fischer, S.: Laboratory Test Results of Glued Insulated Rail Joints Assembled With Traditional Steel and Fibre-Glass Reinforced Resin-Bonded Fishplates. Nauka Ta Progres Transportu / Science and Transport Progress 81: 3 pp. 65-86. Paper: 171781 (2019)

Németh, A.; Fischer, S.: Field Tests of Glued Insulated Rail Joints with Usage of Special Plastic And Steel Fishplates. Nauka Ta Progres Transportu / Science and Transport Progress 80: 2 pp. 60-76. Paper: 625.143.46, 17 p. (2019)

Németh, A.; Fischer, S.: Investigation of glued insulated rail joints with special fiber-glass reinforced synthetic fishplates using in continuously welded tracks. Pollack Periodica: 13: 2 pp. 77-86. 10 p. (2018)

Road pavements

Adorjányi, K.; Füleki, P.: Correlation between the permanent deformation-related performance parameters of asphalt concrete mixes and binders. Central European Journal of Engineering 2013: June pp. 1-7. 7 p. (2013)

Adorjányi, K.; Füleki, P.: Performance parameters and stress sensitivity of bitumen at high temperature. Pollack Periodica Vol. 7. : No. 2. pp. 109-116. (2012)

Adorjányi, K.; Füleki, P.: Investigation of relationships between rheological parameters of bitumen binders and rutting resistance of asphalt concrete. In: Mikolaj, Jan; Schlosser, František (eds.) 14th International Scientific Conference Q-2012:

Construction, Funding and Administration of the Roads and Highways. Zilina, Slovakia: University of Zilina, (2012) pp. 81-87. Paper: C4.1, 8 p.

Adorjányi, K.; Füleki, P.: Investigation of coherence between empirical and rheological properties of bitumens with dynamic shear rheometer tests. In: European, Asphalt Pavement Association - Proceedings of 5th Eurasphalt&Eurobitume Congress. Istanbul, Turkey: European Asphalt Pavement Association, (2012) pp. 1-15. Paper: 0439, 15 p.

Almássy, K.; Pusztai, G.; Gáspár, L.; Lógó, J.: Optimization Methods of the Pavement Management System of Budapest. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management Paper: 9 (2019)

Bakó, A.; Gáspár, L.: Development of a Sustainable Optimization Model for the Rehabilitation of Transport Infrastructure. Acta Polytechnica Hungarica 15 : 1 pp. 11-33. , 23 p. (2018)

Fernandez, IR ; Pascual-Munoz, P ; Gonzales, PL ; Gáspár, L.: Development of greener and climate resilient roads. In: Proceedings of 7th Transport Research Arena TRA 2018 pp. 1-10.

Jato-Espino, D ; Indacoechea-Vega, I ; Gáspár, L ; Castro-Fresno, D.: Decision support model for the selection model as asphalt wearing courses in highly trafficked roads. Soft Computing 22 pp. 1-15. (2018)

Self-explaining roads

Kosztolányi-Iván, G ; Koren, C ; Borsos, A.: Can People Recognize More Than Six Road Categories? Acta Polytechnica Hungarica 16 : 6 p. 207 (2019)

Kosztolányi-Iván, G; Koren, C; Borsos, A.: Recognition of built-up and non-built-up areas from road scenes. European Transport Research Review 8: 17 pp. 1-9. 9 p. (2016)

Kosztolányi-Iván, G; Koren, C; Borsos, A.: How many road categories can we distinguish? In: Transportation Research Board 95th Annual Meeting Washington, USA (2016) Paper: 16-5056 , 16 p.

Kosztolanyi-Ivan, G ; Koren, C; Borsos, A.: Recognition of road types and speed choice. In: Baranyi, P; Csapó, Á; Sallai, G. (eds.) 2015 6th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications (CogInfoCom). New York, USAmerica : IEEE, (2015) pp. 343-347. Paper: 7390616, 5 p.

Kosztolányi-Iván, G.; Koren, C.; Borsos, A.: Distinction of Road Categories by Road Users. Acta Technica Jaurinensis 8: 1 pp. 23-35. (2015)

Transport networks

Bedő, A.; Koren, C.; Pestiné Rácz É. V.: Population Growth, Transport Positions and Income Changes in the Agglomeration Area of Gyor, Hungary. International Journal of Management and Applied Science 5: 2 pp. 58-63. , 6 p. (2019)

Hegyi, P.: Road Patterns of Housing Estates in Hungary. Pollack Periodica 10: 1 pp. 83-92. 10 p. (2015)

Juhász, M; Mátrai, T; Koren, C.: Saturation based forecasting of travel time reliability in urban road transport. In: Proceedings of 7th Transport Research Arena (2018) pp. 1-10. 10 p.

Juhász M; Koren C.: Creating a two-way Land-Use and Transport Interaction model for Budapest. Acta Technica Jaurinensis 10: 2 pp. 99-123. 25 p. (2017)

Juhász M; Mátrai T; Koren C.: Forecasting Travel Time Reliability in Urban Road Transport
Archives of Transport 43: 3 pp. 53-67. 15 p. (2017)

Juhász M; Koren C.: Getting an insight into the effects of traffic calming measures on road safety. Transportation Research Procedia 14 pp. 3811-3820. 10 p. (2016)

Koren, C; Mocsári, T.: Experiences with the implementation of the EU Directive on road infrastructure safety management in Hungary. In: Proceedings of 7th Transport Research Arena (2018) pp. 1-10. Paper: 10746, 10 p.

Koren C; Kosztolányi-Iván G.: Autonomous vehicles - challenges to road infrastructure. In: Horváth, G.; Gaál, B.; Horváth, B. (eds.) Conference on Transport Sciences: Alternatív-Autonóm-Kooperatív-Komparatív Mobilitás Győr, Hungary : Széchenyi István Egyetem, (2019) pp. 1-6.

Szakonyi, P.: Defining correlation between modal-split and transportation infrastructure and mobility services with the analysis of travel plans. Pollack Periodica 10: 2 pp. 93-106. (2015)

Water Resources Engineering

Ámon G, Bene K.: Adaptive data parameterization of base flow and flash flood models of an ungagged watershed. Abstract book for the 15th Miklós Iványi International PhD & DLA Symposium: Architectural, Engineering and Information Sciences, Pécs, Pollack Press, (2019) pp. 67.

Ray, R.; Bene, K.: Hydrologic Modelling of the Loesss Bluff in Dunaujvaros, Hungary. Geophysical Research Abstracts 20 Paper: 12266 (2018)

Nagy, E D; Torma, P; Bene, K.: Comparing methods for computing the time of concentration in a medium-sized Hungarian catchment. Slovak Journal of Civil Engineering 24: 4 pp. 8-14. 7 p. (2016)

Koch, R; Bene, K; Hajnal, G.: Hydrological Characterization of the Aggtelek Karst Springs.
In: International conference Catchment processes in regional hydrology: From experiment to modeling in Carpathian drainage basins. (2013) p. 1

Koch, R.; Bene, K.: Continuous hydrologic modeling with HMS in the Aggtelek Karst region
Hydrology Research 1: 1 pp. 1-7. 7 p. (2013)

Koch, R; Bene, K ; Hajnal, G.: Hydrological Characterization of the Aggtelek Karst Springs
In: Gribovszki Z; Hlavčová K; Kalicz P; Kohnová S. (eds.) HydroCarpath, Catchment processes in regional hydrology: from experiment to modeling in Carpathian drainage basins
Sopron, Nyugat-magyarországi Egyetem Kiadó, (2012)

Koch, R.; Bene, K; Hajnal, G.: Hydrological Study of the Aggtelek Karst Springs. Pollack Periodica: 8: 2 pp. 107-116. 10 p. (2012)

Mátyás, K.; Bene, K.: Hydrological trends in Northwestern-Hungar. In: Kalicz P; Hlavčová K; Kohnová S; Rattayová V; Gribovszki Z. (eds) HydroCarpath-2019, Catchment Processes in Regional Hydrology: Coupling Field Experiments and Data Assimilation into Process Understanding and Modeling in Carpathian Basins. Sopron, Soproni Egyetem Kiadó, (2019) p. 26

Mátyás, K.; Bene, K.: Using numerical modeling error analysis methods to indicate changes in a watershed. Pollack Periodica: 13: 3 pp. 175-186. 12 p. (2018)

Mátyás, K.; Nagy, E. D.; Bene, K.; Torma, P.; Kerék, G.: Mapping Seasonal Runoff Distribution in Northwestern Hungary Using Kriging Method. Geophysical Research Abstracts 20 Paper: 12355 (2018)

Mátyás, K.; Bene, K.: Comparison of Annual Prediction Methods for Spring Flow in the Aggtelek Region. Acta Technica Jaurinensis 10: 1 pp. 70-83. 14 p. (2017)

Murinkó L. G, Bene K. (2017) "Modelling a loess bank hydrology along the Danube in Hungary" Pollack Periodica: 12 (ISSN: 1788-3911) (1) pp. 3-15.

Vízmérnöki kutatások

1. Vízgazdálkodási problémák témakörben (nem mért vízgyűjtők modellezésének kutatása Magyarországon).  

  • Vízhozam idősorok, időjárási jellemzők, vízgyűjtő tulajdonságok kapcsolatának vizsgálata, index és statisztikai módszerekkel (regresszió, geostatisztika, Fuzzy módszer alkalmazhatósága). 
  • Numerikus modellezés. Modellépítés kiválasztott célszoftverben. A vízgyűjtő területek hidrológiai működésének modellezése csapadék-lefolyás viszonyban. Modell kiértékelése hibaelemzési módszerek segítségével. 
  • Kis vízgyűjtők hidrológiai és hidraulikai modellezése kisvízi, és villám árvízi esetekre. Hidrológia és hidrodinamikai modellek kapcsolatai és paraméterezési kérdései. Modell orientált hidrodinamikai vizsgálatok, paraméterérzékenységek vizsgálata. Villámárvíz és kisvíz hidrodinamikai hidrodinamikai szimulációinak módszertani kérdései.
  • Modellek segítségével klímaváltozás hatásának vizsgálata a kiválasztott régióban. Klímaváltozás hatásának vizsgálata a lefolyási tényezőre, minimum és maximum vízhozamokra, és éves vízhozam eloszlásra. 
  • Vízgazdálkodási problémák döntéstámogató rendszerének kidolgozása

2. Telítetlen talajok vízháztartási görbéinek mérési módszereinek leírása, mérési adatok kiértékelése. Telítetlen talajok vízmozgásának hatása különböző építőmérnöki műtárgyakra (vasutak, gátak), valamint löszfalak stabilitására.

3. Karsztforrások vízmozgásának leírása, statisztikai módszerekkel. Források vízhozamának változása klímaváltozás hatására.